Darrell Castle talks about the concept of free and fair elections and addresses the question of what happens when a supposedly self-governing people do not have free and fair elections. Transcription / Notes FREE AND FAIR ELECTIONS Hello this is Darrell Castle with today’s Castle Report. Today is Friday the 13th day of November in the year 2020, and today I will be talking about the concept of free and fair elections and addressing the question of what happens when a supposedly self-governing people do not have free and fair elections. First, I will tell you that the Castle family is doing fine again. I have at least partially recovered from my melancholy and everyone else is happy and healthy. I have to mention that last Wednesday was veteran’s day and Tuesday was the 245th birthday of the United States Marine Corps. My service there is now almost 50 years in the past, but it is not forgotten. Now, some commentary about our recent presidential elections. There are so many things that could bring about the destruction of the American Republic, but one of the most obvious is a corrupt election process. We find ourselves today in a fight for the continuation of the Republic and ultimately for the survival of Western Civilization. The stakes could not be higher than they are right now. Some people are so used to losing and so self-loathing that they immediately capitulated to the enemy, but others realize that sometimes fighting to the end and even to the last man is preferable to surrender. The media immediately declared Joe Biden the winner despite the many races still in doubt and amid growing evidence of fraud. The media told us repeatedly that enough people voted for Joe Biden to elect him even though his campaign rallies, when he had them, went unattended. The media work night and day to discredit the many lawsuits challenging election results across the nation. If they are so certain these cases are frivolous or of no consequence, why not wait until they are finished to report the results? There is plenty of evidence, mountains of it, that this election was fraudulently stolen to justify declaring Donald Trump the winner or at least conducting a free and open election. One wonders how the voting population would react in a second vote if they knew their first vote had been stolen. The real question is whether the Republican Party and the Courts of the United States have the guts to face the consequences. The whole world would then know that the Democrats, with the assistance of the media, conspired to steal a presidential election and thereby reduce America to the status of banana republic. Would the damage to the reputation of the nation and the potential political instability be worth it? To me it would be worth it because the fraud must be trapped and exposed if it is to be prevented from ever happening again. It is obvious that the Democrats are not fearful of it being necessary again because they are building and are very close to having a permanent power base. The rubes out there in flyover land that I will refer to as Red State America know that the election was stolen. The question then is, will those people ever have confidence in and respect for their country again? Will they ever again respect the rule of law or what used to be the rule of law in America? Is preventing loss of confidence in the world and potential political instability here at home worth a complete demolition of the rule of law in the minds of the people? The down line elections did not work out for the Democrats except in the large Democrat cities. It is more difficult to steal votes and to have dead people and their pets vote in other venues apparently. The congressional elections clearly rejected the Democrat platform upon which the Biden/Harris team relied. They rejected court packing which isn’t about trying to support checks and balances but instead it is about institutionalizing Democrat power permanently at all three branches of gove...
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