Every Saturday at 7.30 am we conduct the ceremony of taking refuge in Buddha, Dhamma & Sangha, and committing to the 5 or 8 training rules.This morning, after the ceremony, Ajahn Dhammasiha explains how refuge in the Triple Gem connects us to the supreme being in the universe (the Buddha), to the supreme teaching (the Dhamma), and to the community of Noble Disciples who have realized the Dhamma.Experiencing this direct connection, our heart is freed from anxiety, and we develop appreciation and respect towards ourselves. Whatever mistakes or shortcomings we may have, now we're associating ourselves with what is totally good and pure, and due to that we can overcome any negativety to ourselves, accept ourselves, and develop true loving kindness to ourselves.www.castbox.fm/ch/2744970www.dhammagiri.org.auwww.tinyletter.com/dhammagiri/archivewww.vimeo.com/dhammatalks
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