Today is Wednesday, December 2, 2020… which means that in slightly over a week, the United States should have a Covid-19 vaccine available (in limited supply).
The vaccine, manufactured by Pfizer was shown to be 95% effective according to a clinical study.
But, what exactly does “95% effective” mean?
If you’re like most people, you think it means that 95% of the people who get the vaccine won’t get the Coronavirus.
Believe it or not, you’d be wrong as the results were actually better!
Let me explain:
Nearly 44,000 people participated in the study conducted by Pfizer. Half of them received the vaccine while the other half didn't.
Amazingly, 99.3% of the approximately 22,000 individuals who got the vaccine avoided getting the virus.
That’s significantly higher than the 95% you see in the headlines.
And, to add to the good news, none of the individuals in the group died from the Coronavirus.
That’s awesome!
However, there is one problem:
Those numbers weren't for the vaccine group.
They were for the NON-VACCINE group.
Yes, 99.3% of the group that DIDN’T receive the Covid-19 vaccine did NOT get the Coronavirus.
Nor did any of them die.
So, why did Pfizer claim 95% effectiveness for the vaccine?
The answer is explained in this week's episode of the Get Healthy Alabama podcast.
One more thing:
Guess how effective the Covid-19 vaccine was shown to be for preventing deaths?
90%…. 70%… 50%… 10%????
Would you believe that the answer is ZERO!
That is, the Covid-19 vaccine showed NO effectiveness at preventing deaths from the Coronavirus.
On this episode you’ll hear the shocking story behind this amazing fact.