[YouTube Video Version: https://youtu.be/rW30NTJwJbQ]
[Episode Article: https://factionsoffreedom.jimdofree.com/2020/12/04/sn1040-contested-rage-covid-compliance-globalism-unveiled/]
We are now a month after the elections with a quick break courtesy of Thanksgiving, and we don’t have a declared president. Strangely enough, I’m sure you, just as I, am not surprised. This is the plan: To create so much contention that the rule of law is overthrown with the rule of the mob.
In this post-coronavirus world we now find ourselves living in, I’m sure we’ll begin to see many things which overthrow the natural order of things. One such anomaly is the forced compliance and capitulation we’re seeing surface as the requirement for a new normal. One can only wonder when the tide of the collective conscience will turn on them, and what dangers refusal brings.
Apparently this is the way of the world now; facts are irrelevant, privacy is archaic, individuality is shamed and to some, freedom is the equivalent to terrorism. As Globalism becomes mainstream, with Klaus Schwab promoting The Great Reset and more, many will awaken to it’s hidden treachery. Our only hope is that during this awakening, we retain something worth saving.
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