We get a bunch of pearls about heaven today.
- There is an upside down economy. Last are first. If you've been on the short end of this life, then this should be of some comfort to you
- there will be an international cast of characters from E W N and S
- there will be a bit of REPOSE. All these people are RECLINING at table. That's cool.
- There is some security: there indeed is a DOOR
- There are some noted celebrities: Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and prophets
- There is permanence: The master rises and shuts the door to separate those who are in and those who are out. Once it is done, it is done.
On the Bad Side
- there are those outside
- they aren't reposing outside. They are knocking, seeking, speaking, making arguments
- they won't be able to do what they want to do: that is, get inside
- they think they deserve this access because of familiarity and proximity
- there is suffering outside: weeping and gnashing of teeth
So, obviously the call is to be on the right side of the door! Listen and assess which side of the door you are on.