Sunit interviews Dr Reinold about the rising incidence of PPD, why this is happening, and if it can be prevented.
She talks about the high expectations today, the lack of community and insistence of doing it alone.
They speak to the fact that once you are in it, PPD is not your fault and needs to be managed. But if you are expecting, there are definitely things you can do to try to alleviate it. Lack of sleep is a huge contributing factor so it is one of the things that needs to be kept in check.
Birth trauma, medical issues, and thyroid conditions can also be contributing factors. Past experiences and social and psychological actors are also at play.
Dr Reinold gives some great questions to assess your risk for PPD:
-how you are actually doing now, while pregnant (not when the veil is on, and not what you think you SHOULD be feeling but how you are actually feeling)
-how well you are sleeping now-is your lack of sleep being caused by current anxiety and depression?
-how have you dealt with stressful experiences in the past? If you were able to get through it well, you probably have a lower risk of PPD.
She offers a course for women who may be on the cusp of ppd or not able to afford professional help.
Or you can check out her website at: