Mason Aid is an Adult Co-Coordinator for PRISM and helps to provide workshops for area schools and therapists on LGBTQ* basics to help them improve the services they provide. Mason’s upcoming website will be a resource for parents wanting to raise kind, compassionate, and knowledgable kids when it comes to the LGBT community. Mason is also a speaker and a writer.
As a new parent Mason knows the challenges that come with having conversations with littles and is working to help parents raise children who are comfortable with the LGBT community.
Sunit asks everyone to please share this episode if they never share anything else, because this episode is THAT important.
Mason wants to help and be a resource for parents be more open to all the information surrounding this community.
Sunit and Mason talk about how parents hold all the power. We shape our kids. Parents must be purposeful in their parenting.
Sunit shares an example of how Caitlyn Jenner forced her to be more mindful in a conversation she had with her son.
Listen in as Mason educates Sunit on:
-how to raise more tolerant children and why this work is so important
-why it is hurtful to use the word “queer” if you are not part of the community
-why using the word “gay” should be a positive thing, not a slur
-ways to discuss this type of topic with your children and be a parent that your kids feel comfortable talking to about anything
Books mentioned by Mason
"Babies Everywhere”
“Mommy, Momma and Me"
Sunit refers to this episode with Samantha Munoz about how to curate a purposeful bookshelf. – Resources for schools and parents -- Good compilation of online resources -super awesome list of children’s books
LGBT Dictionary --
LGBT Dictionary simplified for kids! --
Find out more about Mason at: