hour one:
"one up, one down" (take 6) john coltrane
"insomnia" tim holehouse
"trapped" tim holehouse
"masses" weird feelings
"fingertip vocalz" (demo) hans rotten
"red stick" 15-60-75 (numbers band)
"crash at lake placebo" guided by voices
"phantom limb" bomis prendin
"snake in the grass" the last
"archetype anonymous" dustin wong
"face of hand to land" @GNES $TECK
"control" tim holehouse
hour two:
"tourettes" tim holehouse
"john lewis bridge" samm bennett
"blow it up" (live) waqwaq kingdom
"border" (live) foodie
"horse story" biscuit mouth
"wrong stop. it's so cool!" ramon moro quartet
"inside" tim holehouse
"rust" tim holehouse
"I feel this" transit drum
"derrengados en la arena" don the tiger
"recognicion" the new harnessians
"the ritual of defeat" + dog +
"voices" tim holehouse
hour three:
"polar" tim holehouse
"smooth move" crane
"bobby and the russians" hamell on trial
"garbage man" fatso jetson
"p.p. hop" sassafras
"fade" tim holehouse
"twitch" tim holehouse
"adjagas" raeppen
"lost" tim holehouse
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