This week's episode of Poets Respond Live features Stephen Gibson's poem for Memorial Day, Tishani Doshi on a tragic mass-shooting in Kabul, Jennifer Jean with a speculative poem, Charles Harper Webb on Little Richard, and much more, including Megan Wildhood, Katie Entner, Harpreet Kathuria, Neal Lemery, Vidya Venkat, and Amit Saha.
A weekly livestreaming open mic for all of your news poems. Every week, Rattle receives hundreds of submissions for our Poets Respond series, but we're only able to publish one or two of them. This is an opportunity to share more as we gather around and explore current events through poetry.
The best way to participate is to send Tim a chat message over Skype during the show at "rattlepoetry." You can also call the phone number shown during the show. Let it ring a few times, then hang up, and he'll call you back. Space is limited, so we'll just be choosing guests at in the order received from those who try to connect.
Please note that the poems you share will be shown and archived on the livestreamed video, both on Facebook and on YouTube, so only share poems you'd like to be saved in this format.
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