In this episode, Megan Buer is back on the pod to...
- follow-up on the results of Lindsey's first 2 Emotion Code sessions and discuss the specific trapped emotions in Lindsey's body
- share the concept that whatever happens in the physical body has happened first energetically
- introduce emotional concepts that can be healed with The Emotion Code such as "idea allergy", "negative cord", "organ misalignment", and " addictive heart energy" and inherited emotions
- discuss the rejection of authentic feminine nature and how conservative Christianity perpetuates keeping women disconnected from their bodies
- discuss how the body subconsciously stores emotions and will even create symptoms as a protective mechanism against things we may not identify with or even understand
- discuss how the reverberation of emotions can be inherited, which supports the need to heal ancestral trauma
- encourage listeners to get back into pleasure by getting back into the body
- expose how religion and society have created confusion and trauma in women's bodies and in women's sexuality with guilt, shame, and rules
- encourage women to listen to their intuition because intuition will always lead us to pleasure, to what is good, and to connection with ourselves and others
- talk about how Megan gets out of her head by focusing her energy on her root chakra and asking her pussy what it wants
- Megan also does a live Emotion. Code session with Lindsey and clears more trapped emotions
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