In the latest Nerd Out podcast, Bridget, Joe and Travis join Dave to discuss the continued fallout from the 06 January events at Capitol Hill and what it means post-Inauguration. Here's a hint, we still need to be prepared for domestic terror groups and how they may spin events for their benefit. The group then looks at what 06 January means from a security perspective moving forward and what lessons can be learned.
Joe Levy is the chairman of the International Associate of Venue Managers (IAVM) Venue Safety and Security Committee. In addition, Joe is the Chief Operating Officer at the Usdan Center for the Creative & Performing Arts. IAVM website Venue Safety and Security committee contact information:; LinkedIn Profile:
Travis Moran is the Assistant Deputy Director, Critical Infrastructure Protection & Physical Security. Twitter: @dronin_on; email:
Bridget Johnson is the Managing Editor for Homeland Security Today. In addition her contributions on Homeland Security Today (, they are also running a series of webinars (Webinar signups, Twitter: @BridgetCJ
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