hour one:
"why was I born?" john coltrane w/kenny burrell
"restless leg syndrome" ben salter
"remember when we went for a swim?" ben salter
"symphony #9 'beyond' - third movement - essence of time travel" (rough version) wharton tiers
"the parkbench" thurston moore
"even when it breaks" ben adey
"dead sea" jim stewart
"flexstatic extended" iokoi
"aggro culture" bomis prendin
"fog zero" hans rotten
"five girl rhumba" ben salter
hour two:
"did calm down ever calm anyone down?" ben salter
"werewolf" little mazarn w/jad fair, thor harris, and craig ross
"some song" mikaela davis & mary lou lord
"rebel girl" (ive) mike watt + the black gang
"5.08" network glass
"the kl crisis" hearsay
"give em the lot" ben salter
"I'm no ornithologist" ben salter
"his and her circumstances" plop
"a lonely beckman" not sunchilds
"of reality" not wonk
"everything" mc mango
"sloth loves futon" spartankixx
'thief man" zo-sun park
"summer of the loud birds" ben salter
hour three:
"digger's waltz" ben salter
"this little town" tragicomedy
"art matters I" ava mendoza
"heavy lyrical content" deepinthewoods66
"friday night" quiet pig
"now (we have won)" (live) slw & the quiet men
"it became a thing" ben salter
"the surmountable realm" ben salter
"acoustic maldpanza" manlio maresca & manual for errors
"warp speed" david greenberger and prime lens
"foist, stops, clatter & parp" xenochronic amm all-stars w/watt on bass
"second rate entertainer" ben salter
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