The answer might not be what you think. It certainly took me by surprise.
9% Said that ‘Skill Set’ was the most important factor. It’s certainly heartening when I feel that my personal skill set has a long way to go to be somewhere near where I would like it to be. But something I’m going to be including in my creative practice moving forward is blocking in times to learn new skills.
13% Said that a ‘Business Plan’ was the most important factor. Because without a plan with certain goals set in place you’re just a wandering artist moving from one project to the next with no real sense of direction.
18% Said ‘Community’. Find your tribe that will support you because you provide value for them. You don’t need a massive following, you just need the right following to be successful.
60% Said ‘Mindset’ (The Winner) This is an area I definitely need to work on. From perfectionism, self-sabotage and procrastination. There are so many things when it comes to mindset that can stand in your way. And they are going to definitely be things that I’m going to start exploring and sharing soon.
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