Do you meditate? If so, do you struggle with things like focus, finding the time, or falling asleep? Are you interested in learning how to meditate? Morgan Dix of and the OneMind Meditation Podcast shares some of his experiences and offers tips! Visit for more info!
Pssst... Want to leave voice feedback? Use the SpeakPipe Link!
In this episode:
- Some Listener Feedback! 2:23
- Thanks to Carrie, Jenn, Paul Prosperie, Jenny, and Jaclyn for reaching out!
- Some shoutouts go out to the Twitterverse to Madhuri, Chris, and Jana!
- Also, through Twitter I found out that Heather from the popular CraftLit Podcast has been listening to The Big Séance. Thank you, Heather!
- Big thanks goes to Cheesy_dork and Kpappo for the kind reviews in iTunes!
- Morgan and I connected through Harry Duran and his Podcast Junkies podcast. Please check out Harry’s great interview with Morgan. 7:47
- Death, transition, and how meditation relates to the paranormal and the spiritual. 8:55
- As a little kid, Morgan remembers trying to imagine non-existence or not being. 15:15
- Patrick’s “spiritual shift” and when he moved on from fearing death. 17:25
- The FAQs of meditation. How do we know if we’re doing it right? How do I quiet my mind? What should be happening? What technique should I use? 18:58
- What exactly is happening when we meditate? Are we communicating with our Higher Self? Awareness and meditation with and without an anchor. 24:14
- A brief break for a new audio issue of Tim Prasil’s Spectral Edition! (Spoofing the Spooks) 37:43
Back to our conversation with Morgan Dix.
- Being able to meditate without falling asleep! It took Morgan 8 years to master it! 42:25
- What are the ways we meditate without even knowing it? 48:16
- Meditation using Binaural Beats - Episode 39 of the OneMind Meditation Podcast - Can Brainwave Entrainment Meditation Accelerate Your Growth? 50:13
- Podcasts and books inspire Morgan! 41:47
- Morgan's OneMind Meditation Podcast and 56:25
- Just starting your meditation journey? Check out episode 8 of the OneMind Meditation Podcast - How To Turn Meditation Into A Keystone Habit 59:52
For more on Morgan and Meditation, visit:
Record your voice feedback directly from your device on my SpeakPipe page! Call the show at (775) 583-5563 (or 7755-TELL-ME). I would love to include your voice feedback in a future show. Visit BigSé for more information.
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