hour one:
"equinox" john coltrane
"notre dame" kinbom/brandenburg
"madame vega goes out for cocktails" kinbom/brandenburg
"lowest common dominator" (destiny street remixed - 2021 remaster) richard hell and the voidoids
"nowhere to go" bomis prendin
"drum guitar pling plong" hans rotten
"pump fiction" kinbom/brandenburg
"octavia" devil hoof
"first they cometh, then they take me away." deepinthewoods66
"madame vega's cuban dream" kinbom/brandenburg
hour two:
"fluestermelodie" kinbom/brandenburg
"irrepressible" ben salter
"taxi" don the tiger
"naonde a5" arubu avua
"sage" scenic
"waltzing with whales" kinbom/brandenburg
"madame vega in buenos aires" kinbom/brandenburg
"pastorale" clara rockmore
"wings" mica levi
"mine of memories" beneath the ruins
"nollendorf neptune" kinbom/brandenburg
hour three:
"over the rooftops" kinbom/brandenburg
"ribs" jacob rosenzweig
"novh1" network glass
"10 feet up" (mikael simpson remix) sleep party people
"the letter" david greenberger & paul cebar tomorrow sound
"april in november" kinbom/brandenburg
"madame vega at the fairground" kinbom/brandenburg
"transhumanism" david gerard + mike metlay (aka- the gm corp)
"couldn't forget 'bout that (one item)" death of samantha
"notre dame (reprise)" kinbom/brandenburg
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