(Personal note from Joel): Sue Williams and her husband David are long-time Practice Portuguese members. After I read Sue's sailing memoir about their adventures and hardships while crossing the ocean from Canada to Portugal (and beyond… then back home again!), I enjoyed it so much that we requested permission from Sue and her publisher to adapt this excerpt into Portuguese to share with our members. We think you'll really enjoy it, and highly recommend reading the entire book, (whether you think you're into sailing or not!) A big "obrigado" to Sue and the kind folks at the Dundurn press for allowing us to share this excerpt, and to Eliana for her wonderful performance.
(This is not an affiliation or monetary partnership of any kind. I just loved the book and wanted to introduce it to our audience.)
Original book, in English: Sue Williams, Ready to Come About, (Dundurn Press Limited, 2019) by permission of Dundurn Press Limited and the Author.
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