If you'll recall, Yeshua never condemned the woman at the well. He never condemned the woman caught in adultery. He never, ever said, "Well, read these scrolls and come see me weekly for six months, then we'll see if you're sufficiently repentant enough." No. Did you read what I just wrote? HE DIDN'T CONDEMN THEM!
Yet today, we allow ourselves to carry equal or even lesser burdens, and somehow justify it...all while demeaning and diluting the power of a non-delaying atonement.
All things are created first spiritually, then temporally (D&C 29:31-32). That includes healing. And that healing starts with you, for "God has said that the inward vessel shall be cleansed first, and then shall the outer vessel be cleansed also." (Alma 60:23).
If you want to ensure, with a 100% guarantee, that you have made Yeshua smile, then start by valuing His atonement. Give Him ALL your rocks. Every one of them.
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