hour one:
"I never knew" john coltrane
"wig petter spots mugger" bran(...)pos
"sw07" bran(...)pos
"the reprisal" john duncan & stefano pilia
"the den recordings - ep3" victoria shen
"all the heartbreak (lockdown)" tripper
"delay and feedback in e" slw cc watt
"native bodies" bob bucko jr
"ddcb08 thor harris & rob halverson w/bill callahan
"cold window" bomis prendin
"parsnip maker" bran(...)pos
hour two:
"martian brine pool" bran(...)pos
"debt" ben salter
"lavender scare" justice yeldham
"alone together" plaster men
"unruhe" hainbach
"kindaluch (samuel's song)" bran(...)pos
"meconium birthright (for dual cellos and piledriver synth)" bran(...)pos
"the new machine" deepinthewoods66 featuring karen hammond and aoife hammond
"dented left" compomicro-dexall
hour three:
"en la sierra" ritmos tropicosmos
"toot suite" headboggle
"bride of the empty snail" extra soft earthquake
"heartswim in the shallows" orhima
"message from the dream" phew
"to a bloody fucking pulp" anvil encephalopathy
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