The CDC's research shows that home modifications and repairs may prevent up to 50% of all home accidents among aging adults, including falls in older homes. Habitat for Humanity of Rhode Island-Greater Providence (HabitatPVD) recently received a $610,000 grant from Blue Cross & Blue Shield of Rhode Island to support HabitatPVD's new Aging in Place home modification and improvement program. Designed for Rhode Islanders who are 65 or older and are dually enrolled in Medicare and Medicaid, the Aging in Place program helps people who would like to remain in their homes to do so in a healthy and safe space. Joining us for this episode are Carolyn Belisle, BCBSRI managing director of corporate social responsibility, and Mark Kravatz, executive director of Habitat for Humanity of Greater Providence to discuss the critical need for safe and affordable housing in Rhode Island and how we can help support our neighbors in need.Resources mentioned in this episode:••••United Way 2-1-1
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