We have arrived to the middle of the commandments, studying the 5th and 6th on this episode. Regarding the 5th commandment, hear what the 5th Commandment teaches us about our bodies on this earth and our nature as created beings, how the commandment still convicts us even if we haven't intentionally physically harmed our neighbor, where we see examples of the 5th Commandment being broken and upheld in Scripture, how the 4th and 5th Commandments work together in application within our vocations, and how can we rightly apply the 5th Commandment in our COVID-19 pandemic times. Regarding the 6th Commandment, learn what the 6th Commandment is actually defending, how our Biblical view of marriage and dating run in the complete opposite as what the world tells us, how marriage teaches us about God's relationship to His Church, and how marriage as the highest estates looks in daily living.
Rev. Mark Bestul, Pastor of Calvary Lutheran Church in Elgin, Illinois, joins host Rev. Sean Smith to give a catechetical lesson on the 5th and 6th Commandments.
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