Director Julie Winokur, has released an important film called "Firestorm." The film closely follows a county fire company, revealing that because many people don't have health insurance or access to primary care, they call 911 when they are sick. The Fire Department and the Emergency Room become their only healthcare providers.
Sickness calls are 82% of Fire Department calls, rather than fire-related calls. When fires or major traffic accidents happen, often emergency teams are not available because they are out on sickness calls. In addition, Emergency rooms are full and hospital beds not available. This is a story of a national disaster waiting to happen.
Also on the show were Dave Pimentle, a paramedic and EMS District Captain who has 25 years years experience with the Fire Department and Dr. Lee Weiss, an ER doctor and Regional Medical Director for Emergent Medical Associates. Contributing another viewpoint on the show was a patient who saw firsthand what happens when you don't have access to healthcare and have to call 911 when sick.
Dial 911 For Healthcare with news and notes.
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