@KentoCCFC: Mountaintop Madness featuring Buzz Aldrin, Michael McIntyre and Hans Gruber vs Moleman
@Davebandana: I finally returned to work this week. So what I'd like to know is what motivates you in succeed in your current job/course?
@SimpsonsWWE: What is the furthest distance you’ve traveled from your house since the beginning of the pandemic?
In 15 months the furthest I’ve gotten is As far Cavan from Dublin.
@SeanMacSamhrain: With reports of snow days soon being a thing of the past, would you have any recommendations of how schools/the government should handle getting rid of the already very rare snow days children get? I’d like to see 2 days be allowed off for the initial snow then start zoom classes
@Justy_Fishhook: What's the Gender of Katey and Phil's baby?
@RoscommDan: In 2011 the Elite Gärda Unit were the A-Team of any European Police.
They went on a secret mission to take down a criminal gang in a Euro Giant.
1 of the 5 was an enemy agent & betrayed them.