Did You Know That YouTube Announced Shorts Are Available For All Users?
In this episode you will hear more about clubhouse launching their Android version, the uptick in utilization of reels and more about YouTube’s announcement that shorts are available for all YT users. What does that mean for you and your business? Jeff Pfitzer and Tristan Ahumada explain and share important updates on privacy and tracking as well. Tune in to catch all the latest updates that could impact your social media strategies!
Episode Highlights:
- TikTok is the most downloaded app again; They have been winning every month for the last year and a half!
- Jeff and Tristan believe that Clubhouse is relevant and with the addition of Android, they expect even more people to jump on board.
- Reels are blowing up. Why? How do you use them?
- There are 700 million users on TikTok vs 6.2 billion users on Instagram.
- Apple’s iOS 14.5 update will bring up 3 notifications for Instagram and Facebook.
- 96% of American U.S. users turned on or left on by default the ability to not be tracked.
- Jeff and Tristan share that they love being targeted because it brings up products that they would not have found otherwise.
- If you are worried about privacy, you can use Duckduckgo.com which is a browser that blocks the ability to be targeted and it actually lists what ads it blocks.
- YouTube announced the expansion of shorts to all it’s users. Tristan had been waiting for this for a while. It’s important because YouTube is the second most visited website in the world with #1 being Google and Google owns YouTube. The more shorts you do, the better chance you will have to pop up in a Google search.
- If someone creates a ton of reels and TikTok videos, do they have an advantage or disadvantage with shorts?
- Tristan explains where to find shorts on YouTube, how to sort through them, and what the opportunity means for him.
- How does utilizing shorts benefit somebody who already has a successful channel?
- Tristan shares the Top 5 Overall Downloads from the Apple store.
- YouTube recently reported that shorts are now facilitating 6.5 billion views per month.
- Subscribe and download Drunk on Social The Symposium Podcast on your favorite podcast app. Check out the Drunk on Social Facebook page. There will also be a live stream to Clubhouse every Monday 3:30pm central time/1:30pm pacifc/ 4:30 ET.
Resources Mentioned:
- Lab Coat Agents | Website | Facebook |Facebook Group| Twitter | Instagram
- Drunk on Social | Facebook | Instagram
- Jeff Pfitzer | Instagram | TikTok
- Tristan Ahumada | Facebook | YouTube
- https://duckduckgo.com/