This show was broadcast on May 1 which is the International Workers day, and Cannonball Adderley knew how to work it on alto sax with a rockin' version of Work Song. Another hard working alto player is Greg Abate, and we continue with two of his tracks. From there I feature a couple from Stan Getz's fine album Captain Marvel. We end the show with more great music from Tony Williams, Larry Young, Organissimo, and UCONN's own Earl MacDonald.
Featured Album
Captain Marvel from and
Track * Artist * Album
Work Song * Cannonball Adderley * Phenix
K.T. Bues * Greg Abate * Evolution
Speak Low * Greg Abate * Bop Lives
Captalin Marvel * Stan Getz * Captain Marvel
Crystal Silence * Stan Getz * Captain Marvel
Emergency * Tony Williams * Emergency
Beyond All Limits * Larry Young * Unity
Smokin' Section * Organissimo * Alive & Kickin'
Mr. Sunshine * Earl MacDonald * Re:Visions