Facebook Is Investing 1 Billion In A New Creator Fund, Is It Enough?
Where is it possible to become an influencer overnight? How do social media platforms compare on how well they pay their creators? Where are the eyeballs that you need to reach? Which platforms have increasing relevance and how can you create a strategy to stay on the cutting edge? Jeff and Tristan have some very interesting news and insights on the evolution of the platforms and where the game of creating meaningful content continues to shift. Don’t miss it!
Episode Highlights:
- Facebook announces 1 billion dollar investment into new creator funding initiatives. How does this compare to what YouTube has been doing?
- Drafts for Instagram Stories are now available to all users. Jeff explains the significance and limitations.
- How do Instagram reels compare to TikTok?
- Tristan reviews the evolution of Facebook paying creators.
- How much money has YouTube paid out over the last three years to its content partners? It will surprise you!
- Tristan shares what inside Facebook says for the reason that they doesn’t want to pay creators more. Jeff and Tristan share their opinions and insights on the matter.
- What is the update on Clubhouse? Are they finding their niche?
- Jeff has interesting stats on app downloads. TikTok holds its lead as the most downloaded app. Jeff and Tristan discuss the implications of the rankings including the relevance of Instagram strategy.
- Winning over the youth is key to the future of social media use. How do TikTok,Instagram, and Facebook measure up? Which one is projected to be the key platform?
- Is there a window for becoming an influencer overnight on TikTok? Tristan shares his experience with an educational video that surprised him.
- Educators and all types of industries have opportunities on TikTok. Do you know how to tap into establishing a consistent presence and being known for what you do?
- YouTube has automatic segmentation for clips. Why is this important? How can you use this feature to your benefit? You can allow YouTube to turn this on or you can do it on your own. Tristan suggests allowing them to do it originally.
- Jeff sends a shout out to the fans of Drunk on Social that he receives messages from. Please go to your podcast app now and leave this podcast a rating. Thank you for listening!
Resources Mentioned:
- Drunk on Social Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/136264191062786/
- Drunk on Social Instagram: https://www.facebook.com/groups/136264191062786/
- Jeff Pfitzer Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jeffpfitzer/
- Jeff Pfizer TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@jeffpfitzer?lang=en
- Tristan Ahumada Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/labcoatagents
- Tristan Ahumada YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCJ6o6B5JPEBP57hu9VdzT4Q
- Lab Coat Agents Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/labcoatagents
- Lab Coat Agents Twitter: https://twitter.com/LabCoatAgents
- Lab Coat Agents Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/labcoatagents/