K1 What did God say to you through today’s teaching?
G1 What is your natural stress response to fear: fight, flight, freeze or fawn?
G2 In Galatians 2:11-21, who do you identify most with: Paul? Peter? The Jews? Barnabas? Share the reasons for your answer.
G3 Why did Paul address Peter in public and not in private (like Jesus said to in Matthew 18:15…)?
G4 What do you think Paul meant when he said “For through the law I died to the law so that I might live for God (Galatians 2:19)?
G5 Dan talked about mobbing: smaller birds banding together to chase larger birds away. Which weapon is most useful to you as you mob fear out of your life: the TRUTH of Jesus (2:14), FAITH in Jesus (2:15-16), JUSTIFICATION by Jesus (2:17-18), the GRACE of God (2:21) or LIFE in Jesus (2:19-20)?
S1 Take some time this week to meditate on the 5 mobbers listed in G4.