Episode 27 - Business Owners and Coaches, get your pen and pad out because we are taking a "Timeout" with Coach Kevin Clifford, Head Coach for Roberts Wesleyan Women's Basketball Team and he's what we like to call.... "ahead of the game."
Coach Clifford's knowledge, wisdom, and experience with processes recruiting, and finding our way are unmatched. Coach Clifford's approach to recruiting in the sports world can absolutely be used as an instrumental tool in today's business world.
Coach is much more than a basketball coach, he increased his team's GPA from a 1.6 GPA to a 3.5GPA in just one year!!! We loved it when he said, "team, we're going to the library for practice today!"
Coach puts a tremendous value on building relationships in this episode that you all will find extremely valuable. His character shines as bright as the sun in our conversation and was a BLAST!!!!