Amy's been scared most her life. Her brother died suddenly, and she and her husband lost their firstborn at four months. She lived in the land of anxious "what-if's" even as a believer and didn't even realize it until one day she discovered she didn't have to live that way, trapped in fear and anxiety. Hear Amy's story and learn what it takes to live boldly, taking God at His word.
Amy and her daughter, Blair, co-authored the book Em.bol.den. 1. To give someone courage or confidence to do something or behave in a certain way And she's giving away a copy this week...
Leave comment on blog or Insta to be entered in giveaway @suemooredonaldson
Amy Debrucque is a wife, mom of four, cancer survivor, and co-author of Embolden. She is the founder of the Life On Purpose Movement and host of the Life On Purpose Podcast where she encourages women to live on purpose instead of fear. Amy loves entertaining with family and friends. A self-proclaimed "beach junkie", health nut, and chocolate lover, she loves cooking, baking, attending her kids sporting events and getting in weekly HIIT workouts with her friend Alice.
Em.bol.den by Amy and Blair Debrucque
Embolden Press Kit (includes sample questions if you need them)
Life on Purpose podcast