Welcome to the first episode of the Working Mumma podcast - a show that provides real-world tips, tricks and advice to all working mothers (& fathers) on how they can have a career, family and hopefully one day break the glass ceiling.
My name is Carina O'Brien, a fellow working parent trying to manage the juggle.
As this is the very first episode, I wanted to first of all say WELCOME! I also share with you a little about Working Mumma and myself, what inspired me to start this podcast and give you a short overview about what to expect in the future.
I look forward to going on this journey of navigating career and parenthood with you.
Please take a few seconds to leave me a review and be sure to subscribe so you don't miss an episode. As you are listening to the episode, be sure to take a screen shot, upload it to social media and tag me @workingmumma_au so I can give you a shout out.
Have a great week and look forward to speaking to you again soon.
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