07.17 [Sermon] The Things That Shape Us: Part Five - Prayer - Lesslie Newbigin once said “The deepest motive for mission is simply the desire to be with Jesus where he is, on the frontier between the reign of God and the usurped dominion of the devil.” That desire and that consciousness is not something which just 'happens' in us. What if Christian prayer is a process of being shaped by a growing intimacy with God, which then, in turn, produces in us the longing to see the kingdom "come on earth as it is in heaven?" What if prayer learned in this way, practiced in this way, grows the desire to be on the “frontier" which Newbigin mentions? How different that sounds than just being told to “say our prayers” or being encouraged to reel off a whole list of requests to God? I hope we become praying people in the sense of being shaped by our relationship with God, and being formed into those who hunger and thirst for righteousness in our world.