Award winning Adult Film Star Kurt Lockwood, new comer Maya Grand, sexy Alektra Blue, the adorable Michelle Maylene, and the legendary acclaimed multi award winning director Axel Braun will be on Inside The Industry with host James Bartholet. Lockwood will be discussing his new projects including his critically acclaimed role in Axel Braun and Wicked Pictures 24 XXX, Grand will be discussing her budding new career. Braun and Blue will also be discussing 24 XXX and their exciting upcoming projects, and Maylene who is also guest co-hosting, will be disussing her new book; The Methodology of the Modern Male that she co authored with Jared Zavistoski, Brooke Haven, and Sara Jesse. They will be taking calls live from listeners nationwide on the air. As always, the talk is hot, lively, and informative. Inside The Industry is continuing their weekly on air contests. this week's contests include a chance to win a free promotional item from Pipedream Products, an autographed DVD or an autographed 8X10.
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