Adult Film Legend Ginger Lynn and the adorable Latina star Emy Reyes will be joining us on Inside The Industry with host James Bartholet, and co-host KiKi Daire and Selma Sins. Lynn and Reyes will be discussing their very successful careers in adult and mainstream, and their exciting upcoming projects. Ginger Lynn is a true legend, and has a lot of exciting new projects to tell us about. We are so happy to finally be having her live on the air with us this week. Reyes, who was our co-hostess in 2013 is back and excited about coming back on the air with us, and is looking forward to talking to all of her fans. We'll be taking calls live from listeners nationwide on the air. As always, the talk is hot, lively, and informative. Inside The Industry is continuing their weekly on air contests. this week's contests include a chance to win a free autographed DVD or an autographed 8X10.
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