The nation is in a testing of TRUST. And we are ALL learning how to come up in Gods spirit – back to the basics of Love.
The problem the church/nation currently finds themselves in is the fact that our nation has become a nation of SELF CENTERED ego maniacs. Meaning: if things don’t make people “Feel Good” they don’t want anything to do with it. They don’t like doing hard things or putting in HARD WORK that is required in getting up into the things of the spirit. THEY ARE DOPAMINE ADDICTED!
What does Dopamine do for the Body/Brain?
When you feel good that you have achieved something, it's because you have a surge of dopamine in the brain. It's possible, however, that you start craving more of this dopamine 'reward', which is caused by many pleasant experiences, including eating nice food, having sex, winning a game and earning money.
DOPAMINE: Always needing to be entertained. Well Church- GOD IS NOT HERE/NOR IS HIS HOLY SPIRIT TO ENTERTAIN YOU! You have chosen to stay in your spirit of religion to keep from having to deal with the hard things spiritually/or in life.
The Lord showed me that the first step to freedom occurs when we realize God is NOT here to entertain us. And part of moving/operating in His Spirit of LOVE is when WE decide to get cleaned up/& FREE from the mindsets/ spiritual activity WE personally operate in. But when we think WE are the “Tell all be all” or that we are ABOVE OTHERS” do we begin to see God shut us down.
Because we don’t know who vessels are to the Lord and sometimes we can SO offend the Lord with our arrogance/pride (know it all attitudes- demanding our own ways in prayer, in the Courts of Heaven- to where our vanity becomes SO LOUD that He has no other choice but to shut down the voice that tries to force its own will. When TRUE LOVE NEVER DEMANDS its own way- as this is all a part of witchcraft. So we are in a season where God is showing vessels who’s will they are serving (THEIR OWN OR THE TRUE KING- with the TRUE KINGS DECREE)