Scripture sheds much light on the topic of forgiveness. But what if someone doesn't seek our forgiveness or is unrepentant? Certainly we have all, at some point or another, asked that question and likely wrestled with the answer. But perhaps there's other questions we might also ask: Should we not imitate the Lord's own forgiveness towards us? Are we compelled to forgive others who offend our name? Does God withhold his forgiveness until we repent? If God did not spare his only Son, can we not spare our own self-righteous pride and clothe ourselves in humility and grace? It's tricky answering these questions perfectly as fallible people but Aimee & Todd tackle them with care.The Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals would like to give you a free MP3 download of a message entitled "Repentance and Forgiveness of Sin" by Rebecca Pippert.
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