Despite the inestimable success of his most recent book, Carl finds himself “cancelled” by a school where he was to deliver a speech. It’s an outcome that raises Dr. Trueman to an even higher level of recognition; he’s now almost as important as Ryan T. Anderson, who was famously cancelled by Amazon!
Now, Carl and Todd hope their special guest won’t be “cancelled” for merely being in their company. Michael Kruger is the president of Reformed Theological Seminary in Charlotte, and professor of New Testament and Early Christianity. Although Michael is a scholar and has written some heavyweight theological volumes, he’s also penned some phenomenal books with a pastoral tone. Michael’s latest is Surviving Religion 101, which he says is--for a number of reasons--one of his most personal. This letter-format book is intended not only to help Christians survive the assault on their beliefs on campus, but many other challenges of college life. Confronting doubts, apologetics training, the role of the church in the life of the college student, philosophical and worldview issues—all are on the table as part of this great conversation. Listen in, and tell a friend to do so as well!
We are giving away a few copies of Surviving Religion 101. Register for the opportunity to win one. The books are a generous gift from our friends at Crossway.
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