This week, a bizarre tag team combo...
In this corner we have a lifelong wrestling fanatic. A Texas born and raised, bonafide expert in the subject with years of watching, rewatching, reading, rereading, discussing, debating, arguing, fighting, and getting locked in the very same finishing move this movie takes its name from but his big(?) brother.
And his partner in crime...
A guy who spent from the age of 8 to the age of 12 on a military base in latin America with little access to popular culture, and what access he did have was months later and... shall we say "sporadic," and has almost no knowledge of the sport.
And in this corner...
A goddamned near impossible to adapt, and absolutely impossible to comprehend tragedy of the most successful Texas wrestling family. A story so dark and tragic, Richard III is telling it to take a knee.
That's right... The Iron Claw.
Let's has out the good, the bad, and the "WHERE THE FUCK IS CHRIS?" of the whole affair.
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