Prolonged habits over considerable time give birth to patterns. Established patterns, good or bad are described as strongholds. With strongholds, the dominions either of light or darkness take hold and captive of persons, places or things for the expression of their will and purposes. Have you identified any negative patterns in your own life, relationship, marriage or family that should be dealt with?
For the genealogy of the Patriarch Abraham, there were negative patterns of lack, delays, lies, deceptions, barrenness, etc. that run through generations[Genesis Chapters 12, 17, 29 and 30]. This episode, through the Bible helps us identify and pray against the highlighted patterns in the caption of this episode.
Enjoy every bit of the contents trapped in this piece; the soothing, Holy Spirit-filled Worship prelude, the biblically - patterned opening prayers, and succinct charge given right before the main TEACHING. Connect with an expectation from God.
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