The sourcing community has been monitoring the changes on LinkedIn, particularly on the availability of public data to search engines. 2 months since the news first broke that 'LinkedIn X Ray is dead', what is the latest from the front lines of the sourcing world. And...if LinkedIn X-Ray IS on its last legs, what does that mean for people aggregators, data enrichers and the like?
- Latest on LinkedIn X-Ray - update
- Implications for recruiters, more upgrades to LinkedIn Recruiter?
- Implications for sourcing for diversity...good or bad?
- Implications for the freelance recruiter
- Shift to alternative models of sourcing / people finding
- Present and future of sourcing
- Can next generation sourcing solutions provide?
All this and more on Brainfood Live On Air. We're with Brian Fink, Talent Acquisition Partner, (McAfee), Erin Mathew, Exec Search (PayPal), Dean da Costa, Senior Staff TA (Lockheed Martin) & friends on Friday 26th April, 2.00pm BST. Follow the channel here (recommended) and register by clicking on Save My Spot
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