April 20, 2024 - Saturday 2:30PM Tent Speaker
Speaker: Jeff Jenkins
- There is a lot of times in John where Jesus says I am
- Jews were the only people who had only one God. So many over groups worship more than one god or idol.
- Psalm 16:24
- Jews believed anyone who asked you to worship other Gods should be put to death. So when Jesus says I am he is falling into this scrutiny.
- There are some stuff days in life. What will keep you going in these times.
- Jesus is the light of the world
- Although Jesus is not still on the earth physically, Christians still share his light to others.
- John 18. Jesus is claiming to be God.
- John 10. Jesus is the good shepherd.
- John 14. Jesus claims to be the only way to get to God
- Ephesians 2:12 describes what we were like before Christ
Speaker: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bPDt5PPZ5M8
Duration 39:10