I've had to re-learn the Ty Cobb story, that I've heard all of my life, because a fraudulent, hack sportswriter had always set the false narrative. This week i will do a deep character profile study of the great Tyrus Raymond Cobb. Discern between the researched facts and the myths, that made up this most complex man. And hopefully i can be but a piece of justice, for the Ty Cobb legacy, that has been unfairly maligned, in the generations after his death. #TyCobb #GeorgiaPeach ##NarrowsGeorgia #RoystonGeorgia #WHCobb #AmandaCobb #DetroitTigers #GeorgeLeidy #NapoleanLaJoie #TrisSpeaker #BanJohnson #ConnieMack #PhiladelphiaAthletics #WillieMays #RoyCampanella
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