Did you know the greatest adversary of Evolution is observational science and all those pesky LAWS.
Law of Life; Biogenesis: Life always comes from life. (Evolution believes life comes from non-life)
Law of Chemistry: Chemicals are ordered and react consistently. Thus combustion engines and the "PERIODIC TABLE" exists.
Law of Planetary Motion: Stop I'm getting dizzy with all this spinning.
Laws of Physics: Laws that tell matter how to behave. Where did THOSE laws come from?
Laws of Mathematics: How fast were you going? I don't know officer, my evolutionary speedometer changed into a frog. (MPH) math.
Laws of Logic such as, Law of Non-Contradiction; contradictory statements cannot both at the same time be true, e.g. the two propositions "A is B" and "A is not B" are mutually exclusive.
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