A talk by Joe Wiltshire at St Tom’s Big Weekend 2011 on the topic of 'Perfection: The Goal of God's Plan'. This talk is entitled 'Presenting Perfect' (Colossians 1:15-29) and is the last in the four-talk series.
Talk outline:
Where have we come so far?
The 'M' word
Counting the cost
God's plan is our work
Always be looking outside the present group
Ministry requires both personal and corporate sacrifice
There is no magic bullet
False teachers are the ones who look for ease and popularity
Not all of us are teachers
For those that are teachers, teach the negative as well as the positive
For anyone to be saved and grow as a Christian, they have to hear the word of the Gospel
We've got to have the right expectations:
The world to be against you
That God will work
Give up your life for the sake of the glory of God, for the sake of Jesus, for the sake of others and for your own sake