A CITY SET ON A HILL - 1/27/13
This is Jesus’ vision for His church. As one author commented, we could just as easily paraphrase Jesus as saying to His church “You are to be an infectious influence in the world.”
When Jesus spoke of a city set on a hill, no doubt his hearers thought of Jerusalem. It is indeed a city on a hill, and on its central high spot sat the Temple. Its roof reflected the sun by day; its lights radiated in the darkness of night. It could not be missed for miles around, either by day or night. Jesus intends this image of a city set on a hill to reveal to us as that the church must be prominent in the world if we are to influence the world. The word “prominent” comes from a Latin word which means to jut out or to stand out. Just as a hill STANDS OUT against the landscape, so the church is to STAND OUT in the world. So how does the church stand out in the world? We must stand out in truth, in hope, and in love.
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