In Which We Discuss:
1. Benghazi hearings reveal that the only new info about Benghazi is that it's entirely about Hillary Clinton
2. IRS potentially being run by entry-level 20-something analysts
3. The Heritage Foundation outs itself as being exactly as racist as we all suspected
4. South Carolina provides convincing scientific proof that Anthony Weiner can be mayor of New York, sex scandals be damned!
5. The entire NRA platform is still proving troublesome for NRA and supporters
6. Global warming update: we're more likely to die than ever. Literally each second that passes is a second in which we are closer to our deaths.
7. BTL exclusive: Christ Christie unofficially declares his 2016 candidacy
And as always, check our Twitter @braintrustlive and Facebook pages throughout the week for links, musings and more!
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