Have you ever asked the question, Did Jesus really die on a cross or is that just some story from the Bible?
And if Jesus did die on a cross, What does that have to do with the things that I may have done during my life? How can something that Jesus did have any effect on me and my eternal life?
These are the basic questions that form the foundation of the gospel message of Jesus Christ. The answers to these questions are told, retold, and symbolized over and over again, in the Bible from Genesis to Revelation.
God specifically provided an inerrant and infallible book, called the Bible, so that man could know and understand what the life, death, burial, and resurrection, of Jesus Christ means to each of us.
Each of us has come short of the mark of absolute perfection demanded by a holy, perfect, God. The penalty for that failure is death.
As a just God, God must condemn those that have failed to meet this mark of absolute perfection.
As a loving God, God sent His Son to pay the penalty of death that we deserve. Jesus willingly took our punishment for us.
Listen to this podcast to learn Why Jesus had to die. Jesus tells us that Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one’s life for one’s friends. Listen and learn just how much Jesus loves you.