The Lineup...
I. Opener…1st Hour Scores & News
II. PJ Zucco, the host of the Weekly ESPN Savannah show, The High School First Look Report recapping his experience covering the high school football this season.
III. WJCL Sports Director Frank "The Big Guy" Sulkowski discussing Calvary Day Schools run to the Dome.
IV. Closing… Frank "The Big Guy" Sulkowski continued talking basketball.
V. Opener…Memorial Day School Head Football Coach Michael Thompson talking championship football.
VI. Wetherington Chiropractic Clinic Athlete of the Week - Memorial Day School Football Player Marlin Latson
VII. Effingham Herald Editor Pat Donahue talking high school rivalries, Effingham County High School versus South Effingham High School.
VIII. Closing… Effingham Herald Editor Pat Donahue continued.