"Who with icy breath blights the fair blossom of youth? Who breaks the
hearts of parents? Who brings old men's gray hairs with sorrows to the
grave? - SIN
Who...changes gentle children into vipers, tender mothers into monsters,
and their fathers into worse than Herods, the murderers of their own
innocents? - SIN
Who turns the soft and gentlest heart to stone? Who hurls reason from
her lofty throne and impels sinners mad as Gadarenes' swine, down the
precipice, into a lake of
fire? - SIN" (Dr. Thomas Guthrie)
Sin is madness! It is derangement! It is insanity! It is not something
to be taken lightly or to be "swept under the rug" - so to speak. Sin
must be hated as God hates it! What makes it utterly abominable in His
sight is when it seeks to veil its vileness by the cloak of religion.
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