I own 4 chickens.
I’ve learned a couple of things from them about being human.
1st – humans are flocky birds. This is why my son must be in the room with us at all times and why he will come running to find us when he is scared.
2nd – we are vicious predators who occasionally panic and yell – we’re all going to die! Running off in various directions. Just like chickens do.
What does this self-knowledge that we are a lot like chickens tell us about how to maximize our comfort and minimize our stress so we don’t panic quite as often?
We need our flock to feel secure – just like chickens do.
We need friends and family and we need to nurture those relationships so that they are there for us when we panic.
And, when we panic – we should remember that running around like a chicken isn’t going to solve our problems.
We are humans and we have really cool problem solving brains. We should act like it.