For the believer who has Christ as his Savior, words like justified, freely, grace, redemption, propitiation, faith, and blood all have very specific meanings to their faith. Yet how many Christians can define these words in a way that allows others to understand how God’s plan of salvation has changed their lives?
For example, as you relate God’s plan of salvation to someone you know, can you tell them how it meets their need of being seen as righteous before God because of the redemptive price that was paid by Jesus on the cross. How it grants them redemption? How it serves as propitiation, and how the means of this salvation is our faith in Christ? How the redemptive price for this salvation was so high, that it cost the shed blood of the Son of God?
The wonderful good news about God’s plan of salvation is that a holy and perfectly righteous God devised a plan of salvation that reaches down into the depths of sin and darkness that man has fallen to, and yet does not compromise God’s own inherent holiness, justice, and righteousness. Listen to this podcast to learn what these words mean to your salvation, and to the salvation of those who want eternal life with Jesus in heaven.