Have you ever looked at the work that you asked somebody to do for you, or even hired them to do it, and ultimately said, If you want a job done right, then do it yourself.
Finding people to do quality work is difficult in a society where excellent craftsmanship is so expensive, that we have learned to settle for less. Contractors, plumbers, service technicians, arrive late, or not at all. The work that many of them do is poorly done, or mediocre at best, with little pride in what they have accomplished. My father had another saying that he instilled in me, if you are going to do a job, do it right, or don’t do it all.
Our schools teach our children that competing to win at sports, on the playground, in academics, or even at life, is degrading to those that lose. A grading system that rewards the hard work, or natural ability, of some, discourages those who do not get those grades, so they do away with the grades. They teach kids that not excelling is ok, when they ought to be telling our kids, that success in our society is obtained by hard work, excelling at what you do, having desire, passion, and intelligence about what to work hard on.
When faced with the failure of so many in our lives to do the things that we ask them to do, we often stop trusting in others. We decide that when something is really important, then we can only trust ourselves to get it done right. This is probably a true statement when our faith is in the things of this world, or man.
But what about our eternal lives? Who do you trust with your acceptance by God?
Do you trust your preacher with your eternal destiny? Can you trust your friends or family to make sure you get into heaven? Your parents have always worked hard at the church, so you must be ok, right?
Or, do you say, If I want a job done right, or if I want to be sure I am going to heaven, then I better do it myself?
Well, this is the question that Paul has been answering over the last several weeks of lessons. Are you going to believe in salvation by trying, or doing it yourself, or salvation by trusting?
Paul has said that no matter how hard we try, we cannot be good enough to meet the perfect standards of righteousness that a Holy God demands. That salvation by trying is not even possible, no matter how hard you try. Therefore, the only reasonable alternative is to depend on salvation by trusting, or salvation by faith in the completed work of Jesus Christ towards our salvation.
Listen to this podcast as we discover who the Bible says you should trust with your eternal life.